Lead Forensics https://www.leadforensics.com/ World Leading B2B Lead Generation Software Tool Thu, 07 Mar 2024 10:08:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.leadforensics.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cropped-Lead-Forensics-Red-and-White-brand-icon-32x32.png Lead Forensics https://www.leadforensics.com/ 32 32 33 Top Personal Development and Self-Improvement Books for 2024 https://www.leadforensics.com/uncategorized/33-top-personal-development-and-self-improvement-books-for-2024/ Thu, 07 Mar 2024 10:08:16 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8803 The popularity of personal development books isn't a mystery. These time-tested tools offer the potential to be life-altering.

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Whether it’s acquiring valuable habits, kicking undesirable ones, or boosting your productivity, these books are packed with wisdom accumulated over years of experience.

They act as shortcuts to success, packed with valuable guidance to help you chart a course towards your personal goals. With such a wealth of knowledge available, there’s a book out there waiting to become your personal guide on your journey of self-improvement.

We’ve hand-picked 33 game-changing books, categorized to help you find the perfect fit for your goals. Get ready to embark on your transformation journey!

Mindset & Motivation:

1. Atomic Habits by James Clear: Uncover the science behind habit formation and learn how to make lasting changes.

2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck: Explore the power of growth mindset and unlock your full potential.

3. The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt: Delve into the science of happiness and discover practical strategies for a fulfilling life.

4. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl: Find inspiration and resilience in the face of adversity with this Holocaust survivor’s story.

Productivity & Focus

5. Deep Work by Cal Newport: Master the art of focused concentration and unlock your true potential.

6. Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown: Learn to prioritize ruthlessly and achieve more by doing less.

7. Getting Things Done by David Allen: Develop a practical system for managing tasks and reducing stress.

8. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey: Master timeless principles for personal and professional success.

Relationships & Communication:

9. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: Develop essential interpersonal skills and build stronger relationships.

10. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown: Embrace vulnerability and authenticity to build meaningful connections.

11. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman: Discover different ways of expressing and receiving love to strengthen your relationships.

12. Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg: Learn to communicate effectively and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Career & Purpose:

13. So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport: Discover the importance of skill development for a fulfilling career.

14. Start With Why by Simon Sinek: Define your purpose and inspire others with your vision.

15. Linchpin by Seth Godin: Become indispensable in your field and build a remarkable career.

16. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia: Explore the Japanese concept of Ikigai and find your purpose in life.

Creativity & Personal Growth:

17. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: Unleash your creativity and overcome fear to pursue your passions.

18. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron: Develop your creativity through daily exercises and self-discovery.

19. Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon: Learn to be inspired by others’ work and create something unique.

20. Quiet by Susan Cain: Embrace the power of introversion and find success on your own terms.

Sales Skills:

21. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini: Master the principles of persuasion and understand the psychology behind why people say “yes”.

22. Bridge of Fire: Sales Secrets from the Super Successful by Gabe Biondo: Unlock the strategies and techniques used by top sales professionals to achieve extraordinary success.

23. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: Discover timeless principles for building meaningful relationships and influencing others positively.

24. Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy: Explore the psychological aspects of selling and enhance your sales techniques to achieve greater success in business.

Marketing Skills:

25. Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age by Jonah Berger: Uncover the secrets behind why certain ideas, products, or behaviors catch on and become contagious in today’s interconnected world.

26. Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers into Friends and Friends into Customers by Seth Godin: Revolutionize your marketing approach by focusing on gaining permission from your audience before delivering your message, thus building trust and loyalty.

27. Everybody Writes by Ann Handley: Elevate your writing skills and learn how to create compelling content that engages, informs, and inspires your audience across various platforms.

28. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk: Master the art of crafting engaging content and delivering it effectively on social media platforms to capture attention, build relationships, and drive business results


29. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: Find inner peace and mindfulness by living in the present moment.

30. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: Follow a shepherd’s journey of self-discovery and chase your dreams.

31. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown: Embrace self-compassion and accept yourself with all your imperfections.

32. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki: Gain invaluable insights into financial literacy and wealth building through the contrasting perspectives of two fathers, shaping your mindset towards achieving financial independence.

33. 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson: Navigate the complexities of life with practical guidance and philosophical wisdom, offering twelve profound principles to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.

No matter your goal there is a book to advice you! Set goals that excite you, even if they scare you a bit. Push yourself beyond your comfort zone and watch as these goals benefit you, not just today, but for years to come. It won’t happen overnight, but remember, consistent effort pays off big time.

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Top Ten Productivity Hacks For B2B Sales Teams https://www.leadforensics.com/blog/top-ten-productivity-hacks-for-b2b-sales-teams/ Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:28:56 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8737 As a busy sales exec you’ll be used to working hard and playing even harder. You’ll be hungry to land deals and see your sales figures soar. But what if you could make your efforts go even further, by making some simple changes to the way you work?

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Here are ten productivity hacks – from quick wins to tools that can help you get ahead of the game – all designed to help you streamline, refine and get smart with your time.

1. Optimize your CRM use

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A CRM is something you’re likely to be using on a daily basis, so the more streamlined your processes can be the more you’ll benefit. When did you last take a critical look at what you’re doing and how you’re doing it? Review your usage to try and spot every opportunity you can for optimizing your activity. For example, are there tasks you can group together and then fly through first thing in the morning or the evening, leaving your peak activity hours completely clear? Planning and scheduling are good places to start.

2. Streamline your note taking

Recording notes for all calls and meetings you have is always easier (and will be quicker too) if you can do it right away. You may have had a long day but get it done and out of the way. The key is to be precise and not to do any more than is necessary. For all other admin tasks related to calls and meetings, hold off and instead schedule a regular time to batch process them – i.e. store them up and then get them done in one hit. Also make sure your emails are automatically passed into your CRM, if that doesn’t already happen.

3. Streamline your call list

If you are preparing a call list then ordering it logically, rather than alphabetically or similar, can help save you time by giving you a clear focus. It will stop you having to reset your mind all the time by switching what you are doing. Try sorting your list by industry and then by job title – or any other vertical you use to change your script. Ideally you will then keep all calls with similar scripts together.

4. Refine your research process

When you research a company and lead what do you look for? It is likely there will be patterns within your research that are very similar. Spend some time analyzing your process to see how you could improve on it. For an easy win, the web is a fantastic resource for sales teams and has made it very easy to find information about just about anyone, so make the most of it! Use information from social media status updates, or other information gained from online sources, as ice-breakers in your conversations.

5. Stay focused when an appointment gets canceled

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When an appointment gets canceled it can be tempting to move on to the next best option on your list. However, you’ve spent time and energy getting into the right frame of mind so don’t waste that. Stay in the same space. For example, if an introductory meeting gets canceled then work on preparing for your next introductory meeting. Don’t make a big switch instantly and jump over to your follow-up calls. You need a very different mindset for the different activities you have to do. Jumping between them in this way only wastes time, so try to keep focused on similar tasks. 

6. Blitz through your call list

When you have phone calls, email follow ups and admin work to do, try and batch the similar tasks together and get clever with how you prioritize them. Do all your phone calls first, taking and recording notes for each one as you go along. Make a call, take your notes and then move on to the next one. Then once they’re complete, get on with doing any necessary email follow ups. It is far easier to achieve a goal for calls if you stick to doing one after another, without too much time in between. After that do your other admin work.

7. Use the right tools and set alerts

Are you taking full advantage of what innovative new technologies and software can now offer you, when it comes to securing more sales? Clever digital tools could prove to be a (highly lucrative) game-changer for you. Start by analyzing everything you are doing to find ways you could up your productivity. For example, are you using all relevant apps and have you set up alerts, rules and triggers? Make sure you are immediately being made aware of any buying signals and trigger events.

If you’re using Lead Forensics then you can easily do this. An alert will automatically go out to you the moment one of your prospects, a ‘wish list’ business, or even existing clients visit your website. That way you can get straight to work on it.

8. Who to call next

Automate everything that you can, this includes letting machines do the thinking when it comes to who needs a call next. That way you can concentrate on the call itself. Investigate tools and software that can help you decide this and who you should be calling next.

9. Let it go to voicemail

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Unless it is THE call you have been waiting for all day, then all other calls can wait. You do not have to answer the phone just because it rings! Let them go through to your voicemail. You will be in a far better frame of mind and can prepare yourself mentally before you call them back. Have a quick look through your notes first to refresh your memory. This will lead to far better results and avoid you stumbling through a conversation or needing to blag it. Also be strict with yourself and focus your full attention by switching your phone to silent (and turning vibrate off) during meetings – particularly if you’re with a client.

10. Have a content library

One of the biggest time-wasters for sales teams is needing to search for documents. But making sure all sales reps have all the necessary content they need available at the click of a button is not always an easy task. The simplest way to manage this is to create a content library that everyone can access and to make sure everything is in there that may be needed – importantly, also make sure that the documents are up to date and checked regularly. It may be a pain initially, but the rewards you reap could be huge. The time wasted by not having a system like this can be staggering.

11. Bonus tip! Focus on quality leads only

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Probably the biggest productivity hack of them all for any sales executive is making sure you’re only working with highly targeted and qualified leads. Don’t waste time calling dead leads who have shown any buying signals, or who aren’t a good fit and are never going to make a sale. It is a huge no-no in a world where digital information is at your fingertips.

Look at your sales funnel and spend time optimizing it. Let marketing nurture the lower qualified leads and move them up the sales funnel. They should only be handing over the hot leads. This one hack alone could see your productivity and results quickly soar.


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ChatGPT vs. Google’s Gemini – Which one is better for sales? https://www.leadforensics.com/blog/chatgpt-vs-googles-gemini-which-one-is-better-for-sales/ Wed, 28 Feb 2024 11:33:53 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8713 ChatGPT vs. Gemini are battling for your attention. But who wins the sales pitch?

80% of sales pros use AI-powered scripts and data analysis, but mastering these tools can be tricky.

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Don’t sweat it! This blog unlocks the secrets:

  • Powerful prompts to tailor your sales process for maximum impact.
  • Head-to-head comparison of how these chatbots can transform your sales approach.

1. Sales Prospecting Prompts:

Initial Outreach

Prompt example:

“You are a Sales Representative. Today, your task is to draft a cold calling script for Lead Forensics. You are targeting a Marketing Manager in the manufacturing industry.”

ChatGPT’s Response:

  • Strengths: Generic and adaptable, friendly introduction.
  • Weaknesses: Lacks a strong hook, value proposition unclear, no proof of results, generic call to action.

Gemini’s Response:

  • Strengths: Industry-specific hook relatable to manufacturing, clear value proposition with specific benefits, showcases success with quantifiable results, compelling call to action tied to potential benefits.
  • Weaknesses: Less adaptable to wider audience, slightly longer introduction.

While ChatGPT offers adaptability, Gemini’s clear problem-solution approach, specific benefits, success story, and tailored call to action make it the stronger script. However, testing both with your target audience is crucial for optimal results.



2. Sales Objection Handling:

Objection Handling Scripts

Prompt example:

“You are a Sales Representative. Today, your task is to draft scripts to address common sales objections for Lead Forensics. Your current focus is engaging with a Marketing Manager at a manufacturing company.”

ChatGPT’s Response:

  • Strengths: Builds trust, addresses concerns, offers transparency, and a trial.
  • Weaknesses: However, technical jargon and feature-focused language weaken the impact.

Gemini’s Response:

  • Strengths: Concise data explanation, trial offer, and commitment to accuracy.
  • Weaknesses: It skips directly addressing the objection and lacks a captivating call to action.

Overall, the ChatGPT script is more comprehensive and persuasive than the Gemini script. It acknowledges the prospect’s concern, explains how the platform ensures data accuracy, offers transparency, and includes a call to action. However, the Gemini script is more concise and may be more appropriate for some situations.


3. Sales Communication:

Closing Techniques

Prompt example:

“As a Sales Representative, could you please provide bullet points outlining some closing techniques for a potential deal involving Lead Forensics?”

ChatGPT’s Response:

  • Strengths: Structured, benefits-focused, multiple closing techniques.
  • Weaknesses: Generic, manipulative, weak on objections.

Gemini’s Response:

  • Strengths: Objection-centric, value-driven, multiple closing options.
  • Weaknesses: Less structured, no closing phrases, light on social proof.

ChatGPT provides a structured sales approach with pre-built closings focused on highlighting benefits but lacks customization. In contrast, Gemini prioritizes trust-building by addressing concerns, highlighting value, and adapting to each customer, though it lacks pre-built closings, favoring improvisation. The choice between the two depends on personal preferences, sales style, and customer needs.


The winner is…

ChatGPT and Gemini duel for your AI sales glory, but the true champion stands outside the ring: you.

This blog equips you to decide on the best fit depending on:

  • Your sales style: Do you prefer a structured approach or adaptability?
  • Your audience: Are they industry-specific or require specific objection handling?
  • Your preferences:Do you value ease of use or customization options?

Remember, AI enhances, it doesn’t replace. Experiment, personalize, and choose the tool that empowers your unique sales style and resonates with your audience. Let your human touch be the real differentiator – that’s where the closing magic happens!

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Is There Ever Such A Thing As A Dead Sales Lead? https://www.leadforensics.com/uncategorized/is-there-ever-such-a-thing-as-a-dead-sales-lead/ Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:41:29 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8704 There’s a saying in the world of sales – ‘no doesn’t mean no, it just means not right now’. But is this always true? Or are there times you should just bite the bullet and press delete? And is there ever a way to turn an apparently dead lead around?

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The Right Leads 

A huge amount of work goes into lead generation. And even more effort and commitment is then needed to filter out the genuine prospects and effectively nurture each one of them along the sales process, towards a purchase.

If you’re finding your leads are difficult to warm up and nurturing isn’t getting much, if any, response, then you’ll need to check you’re getting the right type of leads through the door. If they’re missing the mark and a majority of the sales leads you’re getting have no likelihood of ever buying from you, then you’re instantly starting off at a disadvantage.

It could also be time to evaluate your lead nurturing campaigns in more detail, if you have a lot of dead leads. See if there are any patterns – do the dead leads increase or decrease? Are there specific campaigns that produce more or less?

Once you’re happy that you’re generating quality leads, they’re perfectly on target, and your nurturing campaigns are bang on, then you know your foundations are solid. The good news is you can then also put some steps in place for those leads that may have gone quiet on you – your apparently ‘dead’ leads.

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I’m Out

If you have a list of leads that haven’t opened an email from you, haven’t visited your website, or otherwise engaged with you in the last 12 months, then these leads could reasonably be classed as dead. On the cold scale, they’re skiing towards the arctic end.

Now if you have leads who have specifically asked not to be contacted by you anymore, then you must respect their decision. It’s likely they’ve already sorted this themselves and clicked to unsubscribe. For some B2Bs, this is seen as their final opportunity to have a go at warming them up. They will link them through to a fun or humorous ‘sorry you’re leaving us’ style page. But if the lead still goes at that point, then wave goodbye and move on. They’re just not that into you.

Dead – or Just in Need of an Adrenalin Shot?

The other dead leads, the ones who have been unresponsive to your nurturing messages for a considerable period of time, need handling and monitoring in a different way. Depending on how much you know about each of the leads, put them in a special ‘workflow‘ of their own. This means sending them a planned sequence of communications, sending emails at set intervals and specifically tailoring to them. The overall purpose of this is to spark their interest. This is no place for generic (yawn) emails. It is about providing good quality content.

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The list may, for example, be set up to receive one email once a quarter. Or if they’ve been unresponsive for a very long time, then even one email every two months. You are trying to encourage them to opt in and respond, so you can then move them up a level and into a different nurturing workflow.

The chances of success here are slim, but importantly you are giving yourself the strongest chance of getting something out of these leads.


The ‘Golden Eggs’

If any of your dead leads are accounts you really, really want to land, and they are a good fit for your product or service, then again this group will need special care.

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Before creating communications for them, think about the following:


  • Why didn’t they bite before? (this is one reason it’s great to keep really detailed records throughout the sales process, every nugget can prove golden). The more open and frank an answer you can get to this question, the more you have to work with.


  • Did they ever let slip any other nuggets or insights that may be helpful – like who they may be using currently for a service you’re offering? When they set/allocate their budgets?


  • What’s their current situation – and how can you help with it? Why should they talk to you, what’s the major benefit? To answer this pull together all the background info you can, so you really understand their world – like what are the challenges currently facing their industry? Are there any governmental, or economic issues at play?


Tailor your communications as much as possible based on your insights, but be careful you’re not coming on too strong. Remember your aim is to nudge them delicately into more nurturing territory.


Overall, when a lead is dead it’s dead, and your time could be far better spent. Pruning dead weight off once a year is not a bad plan. Start by looking for all those leads which aren’t a good fit for you – they might not be your exact target audience and haven’t done anything at all on your website or with any of your other content.

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Having a regularly trimmed list will also help increase your open rate for emails, which in turn will increase your score as an email sender. This is vital as a bad score can mean your emails go automatically into the ‘spam’ bin.

So be brave. Delete them. It can prove a very liberating experience.

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The Anatomy of a Great Email Newsletter https://www.leadforensics.com/blog/the-anatomy-of-a-great-email-newsletter/ Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:15:07 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8648 Creating an effective B2B email newsletter can be a pivotal aspect of a successful digital marketing strategy. Whether your goal is to disseminate information, promote products or services, address customer issues, or cultivate sales leads, the essential purpose of your newsletter must be clear and intentional.

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What Makes a Great Email Newsletter?

This blog post delves into the intricate elements that compose an outstanding email newsletter, offering guidance on how you can craft your own with assured success.

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Understand Your Objective

Before anything else, it’s vital to have a firm grasp on the ‘why’ behind your newsletter. Is it to educate, engage, sell, or retain? Each goal requires a different approach and tone. Understanding this from the outset will guide the content creation process and ensure that every element of the newsletter serves that central purpose.

Target the Right Audience

The ‘who‘ is just as critical as the ‘why.’ Knowing your audience inside and out allows for precise targeting, which is essential for engagement. Segmenting your contact list by demographics, psychographics, or behavioral data ensures that each recipient feels like the email was handcrafted for them. Personalization goes beyond the mere inclusion of a first name; it extends to tailoring content to meet the specific needs and interests of each segment.

Craft the ‘From’ Field

The ‘From’ field is your first handshake with the recipient. It’s a small detail that carries significant weight. Using a personal name or a brand name that the recipient recognizes, along with a familiar email address, can increase the chances of your email being opened. This personal touch can be the difference between an email that is welcomed and one that is dismissed.

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Get Your Subject Line On Point

The subject line is your headline, your hook. It’s a promise of value that compels the reader to delve deeper. Make it intriguing, benefit-focused, and honest. Avoid vague teasery that leads to disappointment or, worse, spammy language that could send your email straight to the junk folder.

Make the Most of your Snippet Text

The silent operator! Often overlooked, the snippet or preheader text can act as a secondary subject line. It provides a peek into the content of your email and can be just the nudge needed to get recipients to open it. Be strategic with this space; use it to complement or elaborate on the subject line, giving a clearer indication of the email’s value.

Make the Layout Attractive and Functional

The layout of your email sets the stage for your message. Whether you employ a single-column layout for simplicity or a more complex structure with sidebars and sections, it must be intentional. The layout should be responsive, adapting to different devices and screen sizes. Your choice of fonts, colors, and spacing all contribute to readability and the overall aesthetic appeal of the newsletter.

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Write Compelling Copy

Now, let’s talk content. Your email’s copy is its voice. It needs to resonate with your audience and echo the purpose of your email. Use headings to break up the text and lead the reader through the narrative. The body of your email should provide value, whether it’s through storytelling, informative content, or persuasive sales copy. Be concise but compelling; every word should earn its place.

Integrate Images and Visuals

Visuals can act as a powerful tool to break up text, illustrate points, and engage the reader. However, the key is relevance and balance. Images should be high quality and purposeful, enhancing the message without overshadowing it. Remember to include alt text for accessibility and in cases where images don’t load.

Use Clear Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

CTAs are the culmination of your newsletter’s content, the point where you ask the reader to take the next step. They should be clear, compelling, and easy to find. Whether it’s to ‘Learn More,’ ‘Buy Now,’ or ‘Get Started,’ your CTA must align with the primary aim of the email. If including multiple CTAs, ensure they don’t compete for attention and are logically placed within the flow of the content.

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End with a Footer

A footer may seem like an afterthought, but it’s a critical component that rounds off your newsletter. It should include practical information like contact details, social media links, and a clear unsubscribe option. It’s also the place for legal disclaimers and privacy information—a necessity in today’s digital landscape.

Include Social Media Integration

Encourage readers to spread the word. Including social sharing buttons can amplify the reach of your content beyond your direct mailing list. This not only extends your influence but can also attract new subscribers and potential customers.

Continuously Improve

Lastly, remember that a great email newsletter is not a static creature; it evolves. Use analytics to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Test different elements like subject lines, layouts, and CTAs to see what resonates best with your audience. Refine and adapt based on feedback and data to continually improve the performance of your email newsletters.


Building an effective email newsletter is a blend of art and science. Each component, from the subject line to the footer, plays a pivotal role in engaging your audience. With careful consideration and strategic implementation of the elements discussed, your newsletter can become a valuable tool in your marketing arsenal. Remember, a great email newsletter is not just about sharing information—it’s about fostering a connection that can lead to lasting relationships and tangible business results.

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Crafting an email newsletter that stands out takes effort and dedication, but the rewards in customer engagement and business growth can be substantial. Start building your great email newsletter today and watch your digital marketing efforts flourish.

To ensure you’re not just shouting into the void but reaching potential customers, consider tools like Lead Forensics to identify and engage with your website visitors effectively.


The post The Anatomy of a Great Email Newsletter appeared first on Lead Forensics.

Effective Time Management Tips For Busy Sales Professionals https://www.leadforensics.com/blog/effective-time-management-tips-for-busy-sales-professionals/ Wed, 07 Feb 2024 10:33:25 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8592 Sales is a high-pressure industry that’s driven by results. That means keeping your productivity high and making every second count is essential if you’re to be successful.

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Some sales managers just seem to take this in their stride. They will sail through their day, no matter what is thrown at them and relishing the challenge and ‘buzz’ of chasing their next deal.

So, what’s their secret?


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The answer is likely to be two-fold. Firstly, they will be super organized and make the most of clever tools and software that can help them manage their time more effectively, so they’re always on top of things.

Secondly, they are likely to have strong self-understanding that means they recognize their own strengths and weaknesses and take these into account.

Because we all know, when you’re busy trying to keep lots of balls up in the air, it can be easy to start feeling overwhelmed. You may even drop one of those balls and find yourself constantly running to try and catch up. Which is why burn out can be a real problem.

Being super productive is about concentration and prioritizing. Cutting out any time-wasting and freeing up your brain so you can focus fully on the task at hand.

To help you start streamlining your own working practices, here are some ideas and techniques you can try.


Time Management Tips For Improving Productivity and Focus


Have a plan – Being organized is going to be your greatest weapon against a busy workload. Stop trying to hold it all in your brain, or on scraps of paper here and there. 


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Have an up-to-date ‘to do‘ list in whatever form works best for you and plan your time. Schedule time slots for different things throughout your day, giving consideration to when you may be most effective (calling prospects at lunchtime is never a good idea). Plan ahead, then stick to it.

Be realistic – If you try and cram too much into your day, you’ll probably crash and burn, which will throw you off course completely. You also risk your quality level dropping, if you go for quantity and that will make anything you’re doing less effective. 

Some tasks naturally require more time and thought. There’s no point rushing in and derailing your chances of success. When planning, make sure you include some overrun time between tasks, to give yourself some leeway in case you need it.

Do the worst things first – We all have things we would prefer to be doing and things we’d rather leave at the bottom of the to do list forever. But these tasks are the ones that will sit silently in your brain, niggling away at you until they are done. 


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You will never be fully concentrating on the task at hand while you have these niggles in the background, so bite the bullet and get them done.  

Batch process calls and emails – Rather than dealing with one lead at a time, instead split your tasks up by type, then do them in batches. It can take time to get everything in front of you that you might need to make a call. 

It can also take time to get into the swing of things and to find your rhythm. Get yourself settled and just crack on. You may be surprised how fast you can plow through your calls that way. 

For emails use the 2-minute rule – if you can do it in 2-minutes, action it. Otherwise, add the task to your to do list and prioritize it along with everything else.


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Get into good habits – When things become a habit, they are much easier to continue with, but it takes time to make them so. Try to get into good habits, especially with your admin (something most salespeople dislike). 

For example, when you’ve spoken to a potential lead, what do you do next? Get into the habit of automatically updating your CRM the minute you get off the phone, or return from a meeting. Your notes won’t only be more accurate, as the conversation will be fresh in your mind, but you’ll be sharing information that is important.

Set clear expectations from the start – If you’re asked to do something, make sure you agree on a realistic deadline and are clear on what is expected of you before you get started. This will reduce the likelihood of your time being wasted due to miscommunication. It’s better to over-question at the beginning, than end up redoing tasks that weren’t quite right.

Physically shut out distractions – Set aside time to physically shut yourself away, when you need to complete important or complex tasks. Getting away from ringing phones, other people and distractions will help you concentrate. This will not only have a physical benefit but a mental one too, helping you focus. Remember to turn off your phone and to close your emails, so you’re not interrupted that way either.


GIF by Mashable


Make the most of technology – There are now loads of tools out there can help you to manage your time better. From the basics – your calendar and reminders – to apps such as Basecamp, Monday, Trello and Teamwork. Explore some tools that could help you stay on top of your day-to-day tasks and time planning. No need to go crazy, just try out a few and find the ones that suit you best.

Equally, know when to escape technology – Nothing can break your concentration and lower your productivity like emails and notifications. Be strict with yourself. Turn off notifications (such as on social media) and instead look at your profiles at a set time. 

If you’re jumping in and out of the task at hand every time you get a new email, then you’re wasting time and brain power. Unless there is an urgent reason for you to be checking them every minute, put them aside so you can concentrate fully. Here are our top tips and helpful hacks on how to make the most of social media when you have limited time: 

Avoid time-sappers – Advances in technology have made the sales process a whole lot more efficient. However, they have also created many more distractions. You need to be honest with yourself here. 


Wasting Season 3 GIF by PBS


What are the major time-wasters for you? LinkedIn can be a great tool for lead generation, but are you always using it with that in mind. If you’re not spending your time wisely, even the most beneficial of social media sites can quickly turn into a productivity saboteur. 

Check out our daily LinkedIn cheat sheet for busy sales professionals for some tips on spending your time on LinkedIn wisely. 

Recognize your own productivity patterns – No-one will ever understand your personal working patterns as well as you do. Think about when you are at your most productive. Some people are naturally morning people, while others just aren’t. The key here is to make sure you’re tackling your most important or difficult tasks when you’re at your most effective. You’ll get them done quicker that way.  

Take time out to refresh and reboot – Everyone needs some respite time if they are to keep up momentum and the concentration that’s needed to be super successful. Exercising is great for both body as mind, as are wellness techniques. Finding some quiet time among the noise will aid your results.


Bonus Productivity Tips From Across The Web


Create templates – spend time creating templates so when you need them they are ready to go.


Video gif. A gray tabby cat quickly puts on a pair of round sunglasses and looks up. Text, "I'm ready."


Start earlier – don’t be too rigid with the 9-5 working day, prospects will often be open to calls and meetings earlier in the day.

Don’t forget about existing customers – you may want to do more prospecting, but it’s important to keep in touch with existing clients regularly. They will be your greatest potential source of referrals and quality leads that are far more effective than starting from scratch on a new relationship.

Learn to say no – if you genuinely can’t take another thing on, then ask which task they wish you to drop to make way for the new one you’re being given, or see what deadlines can be extended to compensate.

If the words just aren’t flowing, don’t try and force them – if you’re sat wasting time, staring at your screen trying to a write a letter or email and the words just won’t come, then do something else and return to it later. Everyone gets writers’ block from time to time. You may find that if you have a break and it just flows.


Keeping Up With The Kardashians Workout GIF by E!


Know that multitasking is a myth – you can only concentrate fully on one task at a time. Switching your brain between tasks will only slow you down.

Be prepared – the unexpected can happen. Plan for it and this will help you recover quickly.

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Building the A-Grade Sales Team https://www.leadforensics.com/blog/building-the-a-grade-sales-team/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 15:45:50 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8543 As your business grows, you might need to find new B2B Rockstars to expand your sales team.
And when it takes just seven seconds to make that all-important first impression, it’s crucial your new sales gurus are clued up and ready to impress.

The post Building the A-Grade Sales Team appeared first on Lead Forensics.


As your business grows, you might need to find new B2B Rockstars to expand your sales team. 

And when it takes just seven seconds to make that all-important first impression, it’s crucial your new sales gurus are clued up and ready to impress.

So we’ve put together some key traits and top tips to make sure you’re building the A-grade sales team – and converting those hard-earned leads into solid results.

So what are the traits to look out for?

Inquisitive – preparation, preparation, preparation

Preparation prevents… well you know how it ends. And when 70% of B2B buyers rate how vendors engage with them as having more impact than what they were actually selling, being prepared is essential if you want success.

A-grade Sales Gurus will go one-step further by understanding their prospect as an individual, their company, and their wider industry issues before even picking up the phone. What pain points of their role can your product overcome? How can you relate to your prospect?


Relate GIF by PBS SoCal


TIP:  Top up your call preparation by using Lead Forensics Visitor Tool to understand key details about prospects that have visited your website including, turnover, SIC code, company size, location and more. Not only will they be impressed with your prep, you’ll be spending your talk time valuably by already having a headstart with them!

Keen listener – great at asking the right questions

With the rise of the Human to Human (#H2H) trend, it’s obvious that it’s no longer about ‘selling to businesses’ but identifying the needs of different people and treating them as individuals.

A-grade sales gurus know that the most effective way to present their product or service is to uncover their prospect’s goals, objectives, concerns and hesitations. By asking key open questions and (most importantly) listening, they’ll know if a need exists and what issues or problems their product can solve.


True Detective Hbo GIF by True Detective: Night Country


TIP:  By gaining insight into what prospects are looking for, you can better tailor your call to suit their needs and prep to answer any questions that arise.  Have they spent much time on your product pages? Did they check out pricing or read a blog post? Using Lead Forensics to uncover this information instantly profiles your prospect and can save valuable time for both them and you.

Organized – They know that timing is everything

Odds of qualifying a lead are a whopping 21 times better if you follow up within 5 minutes of that lead’s creation (instead of 30 minutes after creation).

Your A-grade sales gurus need to be quick off the bat when understanding how your prospect thinks and when they’re ready to buy, especially as you don’t want them being influenced by your competition.


Game On Valmis GIF by Nordisk Film Finland


TIP: Use the Watchlist feature to alert your sales gurus in real-time when a hot prospect visits your website. If they’re looking around pricing or trial pages, you can follow up with a timely call, successfully moving them through the next stages of the buyer journey.

Adaptable – Good sales people don’t just follow-up

80% of sales are made between the 5th and 12th contact with a prospect, so it’s key to schedule regular follow-ups if you know they’re not quite ready to buy just yet. And when nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads, it’s essential your sales gurus provide on-going value when prospects aren’t yet ready to buy.

A-grade sales gurus won’t just reach out by phone, they’ll connect through social, email and live channels too. They’ll consider key times like business anniversaries or events and provide a personal touch with timely and useful content.


Murder House Flip GIF by The Roku Channel


Want to speak to one of our own #SalesGurus about how Lead Forensics can provide the ultimate sales support? Speak to an expert. 

The post Building the A-Grade Sales Team appeared first on Lead Forensics.

Lead Forensics Awarded 46 G2 Badges in Winter 2024 Rankings https://www.leadforensics.com/news/lead-forensics-awarded-46-g2-badges-in-winter-2024-rankings/ Wed, 31 Jan 2024 14:28:53 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8513 The post Lead Forensics Awarded 46 G2 Badges in Winter 2024 Rankings appeared first on Lead Forensics.


Lead Forensics has achieved a remarkable milestone in the G2 Winter 2024 rankings by securing an impressive 46 G2 badges, a testament to its excellence in the field of visitor identification, marketing intelligence, and data provision.

“We are immensely proud of our team’s hard work and dedication, which is reflected in these outstanding G2 recognitions,” said Lilah Waite, Chief Marketing Officer at Lead Forensics. “Our commitment to providing innovative solutions and amazing service has been consistently acknowledged by our clients, and these badges are a testament to our success in delivering for them.”

G2’s credibility stems from its focus on genuine, peer-to-peer reviews, providing potential users with transparent and reliable insights into the performance and user satisfaction of various products and services.

Lead Forensics secured top rankings in multiple regional and market segment reports. The company’s consistent performance across different categories underscores its ability to adapt to market needs and maintain high standards of service.

What Lead Forensics Users Are Saying

Here’s a quick look at what some of the most recent reviewers are saying about their experience with Lead Forensics:

“As a sales and marketing leader, my experience with Lead Forensics has been nothing short of transformative. The platform has proven to be a valuable asset that is used throughout every day, providing crucial insights that have significantly impacted our prospecting and outreach strategies.”

Christopher Rinaldi, Head of Global Revenue Development, Parsable

“Lead forensics is a great tool, offering us great insight into the traffic on our site. However, what really sets it apart from other tools is the team.”

Ross Owen, Marketing Manager, WowNow Hire

“It is very easy to navigate the platform and see potential opportunities who visited my website. Within 15 mins of installing a piece of code, my sales contact informed me of some businesses we had been targeting. WOW.”

Matthew Hall, Sales Director, The West Peak Ltd

Here’s the full list of the Lead Forensics badges and reports for this quarter…

G2 Badges

We’ve been awarded the following 46 G2 badges

Leader Visitor Identification
Leader Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader EMEA Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader EMEA Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Europe Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader United Kingdom Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Europe Visitor Identification
Leader Europe Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader United Kingdom Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader United Kingdom Visitor Identification
Leader EMEA Visitor Identification
Leader Americas Visitor Identification
Leader Americas Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Mid-Market United Kingdom Visitor Identification
Leader Mid-Market Europe Visitor Identification
Leader Mid-Market EMEA Visitor Identification
Leader Mid-Market United Kingdom Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader Mid-Market Europe Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader Mid-Market EMEA Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader Mid-Market EMEA Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Mid-Market Europe Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Mid-Market Americas Visitor Identification
Leader Mid-Market Visitor Identification
Leader Mid-Market Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader Mid-Market Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Small-Business
Leader Small-Business Visitor Identification
Leader Small-Business Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader Small-Business Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Small-Business Europe Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Small-Business United Kingdom Visitor Identification
Leader Small-Business Europe Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader Small-Business Europe Visitor Identification
Leader Small-Business United Kingdom Marketing Account Intelligence
Leader Small-Business EMEA Buyer Intent Data Providers
Leader Small-Business EMEA Visitor Identification
Leader Small-Business EMEA Marketing Account Intelligence
Best Relationship Visitor Identification
Best Relationship Small-Business Visitor Identification
Best Relationship Small-Business Marketing Account Intelligence
Best Relationship Mid-Market Visitor Identification
High Performer Canada Buyer Intent Data Providers
High Performer Mid-Market Americas Buyer Intent Data Providers
Momentum Leader Visitor Identification
Momentum Leader Marketing Account Intelligence
Momentum Leader Buyer Intent Data Providers
Users Love Us

G2 Reports (No. 1 Placements)

Lead Forensics has been ranked #1 in the following reports:

Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers
United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers
Europe Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers
EMEA Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers
Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Buyer Intent Data Providers
Mid-Market United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence
Small-Business United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence
EMEA Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence
Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence
Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence
Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence
Europe Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence
United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Marketing Account Intelligence
Mid-Market United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
Small-Business United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
United Kingdom Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
EMEA Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
Small-Business Europe Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
Small-Business EMEA Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
Mid-Market EMEA Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
Europe Regional Grid Report for Visitor Identification
Small-Business Relationship Index for Marketing Account Intelligence
Mid-Market Relationship Index for Visitor Identification
Small-Business Relationship Index for Visitor Identification
Relationship Index for Visitor Identification


About Lead Forensics

As a pioneer in B2B website visitor identification, lead generation, and marketing intelligence, Lead Forensics transforms B2B website traffic into valuable sales leads with its cutting-edge platform. We offer actionable insights into visitor behavior, fueling lead generation and business growth.


The post Lead Forensics Awarded 46 G2 Badges in Winter 2024 Rankings appeared first on Lead Forensics.

B2B Growth Hacking – What Is It And Why Do It? https://www.leadforensics.com/blog/b2b-growth-hacking-what-is-it-and-why-do-it/ Fri, 26 Jan 2024 09:34:24 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8482 No business today can afford to simply sit still. You need to be constantly thinking ahead and looking at ways to grow and disrupt your industry.

The post B2B Growth Hacking – What Is It And Why Do It? appeared first on Lead Forensics.


Staying ahead of the curve by employing growth hacking strategies is one way to do this and it’s an idea that’s taken off.

Here we’re going to take a closer look at what it’s all about. We’ll be covering the ‘must-have’ growth hacking ingredients as well as specific hacks that could help you achieve your growth ambitions. Plus everything you need to think about when it comes to growing your business.


What Is Growth Hacking?

The term growth hacking was first coined by Sean Illies, Chief Exec of GrowthHackers.com and the marketer behind several successful tech giants, including Dropbox, Lookout, and LogMeIn.

The concept is summed up neatly by Darrah Baustein in entrepreneur.com, who says: “Growth-hacking is the act of accelerating the growth of a brand, service or product through the use of metrics and creative, innovative marketing strategies and state-of-the-art technology. It entails bypassing traditional approaches and streamlining growth.”

In basic terms, it’s about forming a team of people who will focus aggressively on growth, while worrying less about the usual restraints that marketers face (such as budgets, deadlines, etc.) They will aim purely to get the business fired up and hit the big numbers.

While growth hacking has a lot to do with marketing, it isn’t solely about that. The best growth hackers will be skilled in a range of areas. They need to be part business development, part salesperson, part marketer, and part project manager, all rolled into one.

It takes a deep understanding of an individual business and its practices if growth hacking is to work. Most importantly, there needs to be a drive and hunger to succeed.

Growth hackers will spend their time finding and optimizing strategies for growth that will make the company highly successful and bring it in front of the public, media, and potential investors.

It’s a strategy often used with start-ups but established B2B companies can profit from it just as much, even if only applying growth hacking strategies to a new product, rather than the entire business.

Dropbox is one example of a company that has used well-executed growth hacks to build a huge customer base in just a short space of time. So too is Hotmail, who added a simple line to their emails “…get your free email at Hotmail” and saw their product go viral and quickly spread.


What Areas Are Impacted By Growth Hacking?

Generally, these business areas are the ones that need to be involved in any kind of growth strategy:

Effective growth hackers need to know about all these areas and how they may be improved upon. They need to invest time in bringing everyone together around the table, to extract the best and most valuable insights from each of them.

When done successfully, growth hacking is more of an attitude than a group of standalone tactics. Making it work is about being open to taking measured risks. Yes, failing can be hard, but lessons can be learned and you’ll move forward even stronger.

No business will hit on a 100% winning strategy straightaway. This will come as knowledge and experience increase, and through the tracking and analysis of results.


Top Pointers on Getting Started

Embrace Failure

Playing it safe is not a bad option, but in today’s cutthroat marketplace, you need to be constantly evaluating, re-investing, and looking forward, with a focus on what’s working and what’s not.

For example, if the growth of AI (artificial intelligence) may disrupt your current business model, then you need to anticipate this early and find alternative ways to grow.

Embracing failure is not just something you have to do, it’s something established businesses to do, to stay competitive. Failure can be a fast and steep learning curve, but as long as you don’t go too crazy and bet away the entire business, any losses should be manageable and the gains potentially huge.


Choose a Subset of Existing Customers To Grow From

Start by taking a specific area of your business and running different campaigns around it. Become a master in A/B testing and learn quickly what works and what doesn’t for that specific segment. Then, as a next step, start to broaden your approach.


Be Data Driven

Data and information rule everything these days. There is no way around using data to inform your decisions and shape the future. Know where you’re going to get it from, store it, and how you could use it moving forward.


Include Product Development

Involve the product development team within your growth hacking team. Build a feedback loop that takes information from the outside world straight to the development team. That way you’ll be developing products your customers want.


Become a Master of Remarketing

Remarketing, or retargeting as it’s often known, is a tactic that works across all industries and business types. In simple terms, it means when somebody visits your website they’ll then see your adverts on other sites they go to. Give it a go and see what results you get.


Setting Up Growth Hacking For Success

Focusing on growth alone isn’t the secret to being successful. There are always going to be several factors at play, which will influence what’s happening.

Trying to push a product that is a bad fit for the market, is simply doomed for failure. So, start by asking yourself – is your product really what the market wants? If not, then you need to work on it before you do anything else.

The product also needs to be scalable – i.e. something that can grow and increase in numbers quickly. Service-based products are generally easy to scale up, whereas physical ones can be a little more challenging. That’s not to say it can’t work, just that different approaches and planning may be needed.

Before embarking on a growth hacking journey, it’s always a good idea to do a SWOT analysis, to figure out what’s what.

Get everyone from the various teams (product development, marketing, customer services, sales, etc.) to meet up and brainstorm ideas together. You may be pleasantly surprised by how many ideas your employees come up with when it comes to growing a particular product or market segment.

Remember, growth hacking is foremost an attitude change. Give the right people the right tools and they’ll go far.


The ‘Must-Have’ Growth Hacking Ingredients


Growth hacking is about having great content. Blogs and vlogs should form part of your strategy, along with an aggressive content marketing plan. We’re now part of a world that’s driven by an increasing demand for information. The amount being consumed every day is staggering. So, to grow quickly you constantly need to be adding lots of good content.


Guest Blogging

As well as driving an audience to your blog, make sure you are taking advantage of others who already have an established audience. Find the ones who are a great fit for your business. Offer them high-quality and exclusive content. Everyone is looking for content, so if you pitch a good story that ticks all their boxes, then you’ll be on to a winner and your exposure will increase.


Personal Branding

Who’s behind the brand? What’s the company all about?

Tesla and Apple are great examples of companies that have very public faces. Their CEOs are out there acting as great, highly visible, brand ambassadors.

It isn’t necessarily the CEO who needs to be in the spotlight. Various people at a company can and should show their face, and use personal branding techniques to help get the word out.

An easy way to do this is to engage in online forums and on platforms where people communicate – such as LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, Quora, etc.

Building a personal authority around your expertise and knowledge is easy with these tools. You’ve just got to invest your time in doing so – and aggressively if you want to grow quickly.

The easiest way to build a personal brand is to create your social profiles, engage actively in the various communities, be approachable and helpful, and reach out to people.


Email List

Your contact database will always be your most valuable asset, no matter what the nature of your business may be. Build up your list, nurture it, and add to it on an ongoing basis. Network on and offline, and spend time nurturing your existing contacts. If you’re doing nothing with your existing list, that’s one huge missed opportunity.


Analytics – Know Your Numbers

Growth hacking without measuring or understanding what’s going on, is a waste of time. You need to know your numbers and the story they are telling you.

Becoming a data and numbers junkie is all part of being a growth hacker. You constantly need to look at things like key performance indicators (KPIs), viral coefficients, multivariate testing, CACs, LTVs, and whatever else is key in your field. More than simply looking at Google Analytics is required.

Accelerated growth can only happen in tandem with looking at the numbers and how they are developing over time. Knowing why something works – or why it doesn’t – is key here.


Some Specific B2B Growth Hacking Ideas

Every business is different and you need to find the best growth hacks for your circumstances. Don’t be afraid to get creative – in fact, you need to be. It’s about being visible, disruptive, and going for it 100%.

Here are some ideas to get you started…


Develop a Free Tool

Tools related to analysis or reporting can work well. For example, in the early days of HubSpot, the platform offered a marketing grader tool and that saw its database grow extremely fast. Find something that has the potential to bring in big numbers, then fine-tune your funnel with a qualifying mechanism to filter out the golden nuggets.


Add a “Powered By” Message

If you develop a standalone app or some other kind of tool or gadget that’s useful for a broad audience, then brand it up and make sure you get your name seen.


Repurpose Your Content

If you’ve spent hours writing a killer eBook, then make the most of it! Give it to a designer so it looks amazing, but don’t stop there. Think how else you could use the information.

Extract the key points and create a presentation that you can upload to SlideShare. Embed it on your website and you’ll make your content reach even wider. Or perhaps create a mini video series, based on the contents of your eBook. Many people prefer to watch a short video than read something, so give them the choice. It’s about getting the most out of your content.


Be a Master On Linkedin

For B2B businesses, there is no greater online network than LinkedIn. Do detailed segmentation of your target groups and make sure you know and understand them. Where will you find them? How can you best engage with them?

Personalize your content based on the segmentation you have done. The more you can divide up your database, the more personalized you can make things, and the better your results will be. Conversions and target rates will increase because prospects feel fully understood.


Include Video

When it comes to content, video is a huge deal. There is a reason why online platforms are increasing what they offer in this area, Facebook Live being one example. A well-crafted video can also be very powerful, as long as its content is focused on the user (not the business). Organizing interesting events and letting an online audience take part is another great growth strategy that B2Bs often don’t make the most of.


Learn the Art of Storytelling

This will help you with any kind of marketing strategy you go for, but for enhanced growth it’s essential. Tell stories and do it well.


More Specific Hacks to Consider

Connect with Influencers

See who already has an audience that fits with your messages and contact them. Be friendly and helpful. See where there may be potential for you to collaborate and form a valuable partnership. One example of this hack in action is PayPal. In the early days, they found a great partner in eBay. They got to piggyback with them and ended up having their logo shown alongside established credit card brands.


Understand the Needs of New and Existing Customers

What is your onboarding process like? There’s often huge potential for improvement here, to make the process better, faster, and more effective. In turn, that will all aid positive word of mouth, which remains the best marketing there is. For businesses offering a service, rather than a product, a lot can be achieved if you make it clear what it’s going to be like working with you and what it will involve.


Narrow Down your Target Audience from the Beginning

When you’re just starting, think about who may be the early adopters. Who are they and where can you find them? You need to get them on board to start spreading the word. But the messaging to them will need to be quite different from the messaging you use later on, for your broader audience. Know who you need to talk to and when.


Actively Encourage Feedback

Start asking and answering questions from existing customers and potential prospects. Use these answers to make your product even better. If you don’t have a product yet, set up a one-page website and put it out into the world. Ask questions and collate your answers, this will also help you start growing your database.


Consider Using a Freemium Model

Start-ups in particular can do well following a freemium model. This is where you give it all away for free, then make money from specialist or premium services. This allows people to test out your product, get hooked on it, and have confidence in it, before going on to use a paid-for option.


Go Viral

When it comes to growth hacking, word of mouth is about more than just going viral with a campaign. It’s about finding ways to make your product inherently viral. Skype, Dropbox, and Facebook are all examples of products that work better the more people use them. Those that do will naturally encourage others to follow their lead.

For this to happen, it needs to be easy for people to share your product. Also, think about developing a special refer-a-friend style campaign.

A growth hacker should understand our digitally-driven world and constantly be thinking about ways to go viral with everything they do.

The post B2B Growth Hacking – What Is It And Why Do It? appeared first on Lead Forensics.

Sales Conversations: How To Assert Credibility https://www.leadforensics.com/blog/sales-conversations-how-to-assert-credibility/ Wed, 24 Jan 2024 12:15:46 +0000 https://www.leadforensics.com/?p=8429 One of the main challenges faced by any business is building credibility. It will be a key factor in whether someone chooses to spend their cash with you and is essential for both business growth and achieving a healthy bottom line.

The post Sales Conversations: How To Assert Credibility appeared first on Lead Forensics.


If you already have a strong track record behind you – and some glowing case studies and testimonials to show for it – then you’re in a great position. You can prove what you’re capable of, the type of results you can achieve and that you deliver on your promises.

But what if you don’t have that yet? For example, if you’re a new business, or an established firm looking to launch a completely new type of product?

In sales, there’s a saying: ‘people buy from people they know, like and trust’. Once you have the knowing and liking part covered (and have the proverbial ‘foot in the door’) it’s time to instill some trust.

The crucial question you need to answer is ‘why should anyone buy from you?’. As a buyer may be sold on the solution you’re offering, but choosing whether to go with you as their supplier is another matter. Especially, if you’re up against more established firms.

So, what can sales teams do in this situation?


How can you gain credibility when you’re new to sales?

When you first embark on a career in sales, you’ll be testing the water and will need to learn a lot from those around you. If you’re joining an established team with strong systems in place, then that’s going to help you get up to speed quickly.

Go for it and make the most of every interaction. Ask lots of questions, shadow as many people as possible and generally soak it all in. See what works for others, what different sales styles are at play and how team members prepare.

Joining an existing team has the added benefit that you can lean on their experience and credibility. Of course, it may be that you’re just starting out in business and your sales team is the grand total of one – you!

In this situation, think where there may be other credibility you can leverage. For example, in your own career up to this point, if you have managed to secure investment in your product, or even what’s going on in the wider industry.


Prepare, prepare, prepare

If you have an opportunity to get in front of a prospect (whether in person or over the phone), but you’re afraid of sounding like a novice, then ensure you prepare well. Research so you have a clear understanding of the client and their industry, and focus on asking quality questions.

They will immediately sense that you’ve done your homework, thanks to the quality of your questions. Just be careful not to turn the whole thing into an interrogation.

It’s natural to feel nervous. In the beginning, you’ll feel you’re lacking in credibility, but in fact, the only thing you’re really missing is experience.

So, prepare well, ask great questions and remember to breathe!


How do you gain credibility when launching a new service into an existing market?

If you are a company that’s launching a new service into an existing market, it’s vital that you demonstrate why buyers should go with the new kid on the block. You need to address this issue right away, meeting the potential objection head on.

Answer the question, ‘why work with us?’ and point out why someone should choose to work with you, even if there are more experienced suppliers around.

To do this, you need to know what makes you so different to your competitors. What’s your unique selling point (USP)?

Usually making the decision to enter an existing market will be driven by something – some new edge or innovation you’ve hit upon. Perhaps you can do it faster, cheaper or better. Or maybe your advantage is of a geographical nature. Sometimes even the structure and culture of the company can be a huge selling point – for example, a modern and ambitious company may want to do business with other similar, agile companies.

Also consider providing some kind of special offer, which helps to get the ball rolling and enables you to prove you can fulfill your promises. It can be a nightmare for established businesses, when newcomers push their way in by throwing price cuts around to grab market share. Of course, only time will tell if they hold on to this share, as offers can’t be sustained forever.


Establishing trust

When you are taking part in sales conversations, remember it’s essential that you work on establishing trust. You’ll be making all sorts of claims and promises, and your prospect needs to believe that they are true, and you can deliver on them. No one is going to hand over any money without that.

Paint a picture – show them what working with you will look like, by talking about the before and after scenario. Always remind the prospect about the desired future outcome they are hoping to achieve and the ways you can help them reach that result.

Don’t forget to leverage any credibility that exists within your team too. You may be a new player in this particular market, but be veterans in business with proven success elsewhere and client relationships you’ve build and held on to for years. Talk about that.


How do you assert credibility when selling a completely new product?

If the product or service you are selling is completely new and nothing like it currently exists, then you face a different challenge.

For example, imagine you invented a complete washing system that gathers together all the dirty clothes, sorts them, washes them, dries them, hangs them and folds them away neatly in the cupboard. How would you sell that?

In this case, probably quite easily to those with the required budget. But what if your product is good and fulfils a need, but doesn’t sell itself quite as well? How can you gain credibility and trust from your target audience, that it will work? Or that the service will be as good as you say it is?

There will be loads of elephants in the room and your pitch needs to tackle them all. Start by listing them out, along with the ways you might address them. Your best bet for establishing credibility is to have stories and explanations prepared for every kind of scenario.

Usually, new products and innovations will be driven by an individual or group of people, coming together with an idea for how to do something better. They may be experts in their field who put their heads together to develop a new kind of service.

Tesla is a perfect example. The company revolutionized the electric car market by proving you can still have flashy, fast cars and be environmentally friendly. In the beginning, there was just founder, Elon Musk, with an idea. He hired the right talent and the rest is history.

The best thing you can do is to get some case studies together as quickly as possible. Nothing sells better than proving what is possible in a real life situation, through the experience of others.


Top takeaways


  • Get your story straight – know what your story is and spot where you can leverage credibility, whether it’s your own, or from other people within the team or company
  • Prepare – know the answer to the question ‘why should someone buy from you?’
  • Aim to build credibility as quickly as possible – ask for testimonials and feedback, pull together case studies, show your product works and you can deliver what you say
  • Never promise what you cannot deliver – Always stick to your promises. If you can’t then any credibility you have will be gone. This goes for everything, including providing things by an agreed time
  • Be genuine – There’s no place for overly pushy or fake sales people within today’s world. Understand what the true value of your product is, how it can fulfill a need and help a prospect achieve their ambitions, then build on that
  • Actively listen – Learn to listen on a higher level, so you not only hear the other person’s word, but understand them and what lies behind them
  • Don’t pretend you know everything – If you don’t know the answer to something, never guess or try and blag it. Admit you don’t and promise to come back to them with the answer shortly

The post Sales Conversations: How To Assert Credibility appeared first on Lead Forensics.
